The War-Town Times S2E7: Modern Slavery is the Cost of Apathy

The cancer of policing, prison and probation systems within our America began in Georgia decades ago, and will continue to spread with the intent of eradicating Freedom through enforcement of statutes, codes, acts & ordinances. In a community that blindly pays taxes to cage flesh and blood human beings for victimless crimes, will the awareness of this beast in our back yard be enough for us to stand up and speak out? It is easy to be apathetic when you believe that things must change on a national level before they can change on the local level; the position of subcontracting our power to those within gubment who benefit from us holding onto this idea. What could happen though, when the people of War-Town decide to stop turning a blind eye to this major issue within our community & demand that a system based off color of law must come to an absolute end?

-Season Two Overview-

Once more into the messing-about-with-local-gubment fray for Your Humble Author, Narrator & Fictional Character; Daniel Louis Crumpton & the War-Town War Room Crew! After a long hiatus, the team of the War-Town Times hath returned for the highly anticipated second season where the story is juicier, the stakes are higher & the sphincter muscles of those in elected office within the fictional city of “War-Town” will get tighter! In the second season of the War-Town Times, the mystery of gubment’s role in all our lives will be solved and actionable information for each and every one of you will be distributed more than the narcotics unit can disseminate fentanyl into our streets. Neat!! But wait! There’s more! Could it be this season, that our Humble Author, Narrator & Fictional Character has managed to find himself caught up in a conspiracy of corruption within the halls of War-Town gubment goofiness? Probably.

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